Transitioning to secondary school can be an exciting and nervous time in your daughter’s journey, and it shouldn’t be disruptive to her learning or social activities. That’s why at the Academy of Mary Immaculate we structure our College programs to build a sense of belonging.
Before starting Year 7 at the Academy, your daughter is welcomed at our annual Orientation Day. Here she meets her classmates, her teachers, and begins to form the initial bonds that will carry her through her secondary schooling. Of course, anyone starting out has questions about how things work, what to do, what not to do, and where to go. Our Big Sister/Little Sister program pairs an older Academy girl with your daughter to make sure she has someone who has been there before, someone she trusts, and who can answer her questions.
Participating in house sports – like athletics, swimming, and team sports – isn’t just about health and fitness. Sports teach Academy girls how to set and strive for goals, and how to deal with successes and failures. It is here, too, that our girls learn most about themselves. This is why what we offer includes other activities like visual and performing arts. For example, learning an instrument takes great discipline and commitment, skills that are celebrated at various performances.
Year 7 Camp is the final formal transition activity for our newest Academy girls. The camp, early in the year, brings together girls in a team environment that reinforces our vision and values. We also have many other co-curricular activities that allow your daughter to look outward. Our campus extends to sister schools in Italy and Japan and study tours to France. In her later years, these journeys can open up new horizons and experiences.
As a smaller sized school, the Academy is able to build a community of lasting friendships and peer support. These groups regularly explore the classroom outside our school’s gates – Melbourne. From our location opposite the Carlton Gardens, we have easy access to important learning and cultural centres around the CBD – the Museum, the NGV, ACMI, universities and historical sites. Our inner-city location helps students develop a social awareness that equips them for higher education, travel, and life.