
A place where students can
flourish academically, socially and emotionally

Academy of Mary Immaculate is the oldest girls’ secondary college in Victoria. We have a deep commitment to provide an education to prepare students for the future role young women
play in Australia and the world.

Our school proudly delivers high-quality education and experiences to students and young
women from years 7 to 12 in an close knit and accessible space.

As a contemporary school, our focus draws on our foundations in the Mercy tradition, while our
vision and values shape the school’s daily life. This provides a friendly and supportive learning
environment for students, staff and the community alike.

Why the Academy of Mary Immaculate


The Girls' School Advantage

A girls’ only space where they can excel.

The Academy offers a broad-based learning and teaching environment for girls, where individual student’s personalised needs are adapted with agile learning opportunities.

Our school is dedicated to cultivating an environment where students and young women can thrive without gender biases or stereotypes, while building their confidence and take on leadership roles.


The Value of our Educational Model

The Academy’s education model is a holistic model combining learning and wellbeing to develop the whole student.

Our Educate for Excellence Model is the future direction at the Academy and is our focus as we pride ourselves on building an innovative educational community that maximises student potential.

Our educational model encompasses the curriculum as well as co-curricula and leadership opportunities, including arts, music, STEAM and sport.

Our model strives to create curious, collaborative and
courageous students.


The Academy

The future is our business.

The Academy has developed a comprehensive Master Plan 2023 – 2026 which is our proposed precinct landscape. Our education precinct will reflect Melbourne’s laneways, green open spaces and create transformative leaning hubs where students can thrives.


Our Spiritual

The Academy is a Catholic College in the Mercy tradition and a member of the Mercy Ministry Companions (MMC). We draw strength from the rich heritage and charism of the Sisters of Mercy and invite our community members to encounter this spiritual tradition based on hope, love, integrity, truth, mercy, justice, love of God, and love of neighbour.


We express sacramental life by being inclusive to the diversity of gifts and talents found in our students, staff, and parents. And we celebrate as one Eucharistic community by sharing the sacrifice of giving and receiving. Formally, our liturgy program extends to daily morning homeroom prayers, College assembly prayers, year level retreats, weekly Tuesday morning mass, and whole-of-College mass for Mercy Day and the beginning or conclusion of
the school year.

A message from the Principal

Our education philosophy supports each student
to find her voice, be her own leader, and empower leadership in her fellow students.

Sr Mary Moloney, Principal

A message from the Principal

The Academy of Mary Immaculate is a Catholic College in the Mercy Tradition united by our six Mercy values – Respect, Compassion, Justice, Service, Hospitality and Courage. These values underpin all our endeavours and are expressed in deed and word.

Each year the new Senior Student Leadership Team has the privilege of selecting a theme for the year.  The theme for 2024 is Stronger Together. Recently Pope Francis spoke of the importance of building the future together stating ‘it is our diversity that makes us stronger, and by working together we can do things much greater than we can do as individuals.’

The Academy is a strong and united community, a place where students are known and feel safe and connected. We are a College of learning excellence and innovation and educate our students to be strong, resilient women.

We understand the intrinsic link between learning and wellbeing and ensure that our students are guided and supported in their learning, that they strive to excel and that challenges are met with grit, grace and determination. We educate the whole person.

Located just opposite the Melbourne Museum, we are “the city school for girls”. The city is our classroom. Much of our teaching and learning is based in and around the City of Melbourne.

We were established in 1857 and the College has operated continuously on this one site since then. As the oldest girls’ Catholic College in Victoria we celebrate our 167th year.
We invite you to visit us and see the vibrant, dynamic College that is the Academy.

With every blessing,

Sr Mary Moloney, rsm

A hidden gem in the city

The Academy is located opposite the iconic Carlton Gardens, is directly accessible by public transport and a moments walk to all the facilities of the CBD.

A hidden gem in the city