Student Support
Support initiatives for Academy students strive to reflect in their structure and practices, the quality and spirit of our traditional Mercy values. We endeavour to sustain unity and solidarity with all members our community, and to impart this worldview that enables the formation of the whole person.
Peer Mentoring
As part of our Year 7 Transition program, our Big Sister/Little Sister Program fosters positive peer relationships between Year 7 students and Year 12 students. The informal structure encourages relationships to build naturally and for senior students to practice leadership by offering support and guidance to younger students.
The College’s Peer Support Program trains senior Year 11 students to work with small groups of Year 7 students and be a positive peer influence by developing mutual friendship and comradery.
College Counsellor
Our college counsellor supports the Wellbeing Program with their skill in identifying potential challenges and setting strategies to problem solve with individual students. Students and parents can arrange private and confidential appointments with the college counsellor to discuss student difficulties, developing friendship issues, and family matters that may be affecting participation or performance.